National Insurance

MoF Mahat instructs state-owned general insurer to accomplish pending audit report ASAP

Kathmandu: Finance Minister Dr. Prakasharan Mahat has instructed the board of directors and top management of the Rastriya Beema Company (RBC) Company to accomplish the financial audit by Paush end of 2080 (mid-December 2023). Finance Minister Mahat has also expressed his commitment to providing all necessary support from the ministry for the audit.

RBC’s Chairman of BODs Dinesh Upadhyay, Directors Krishna Prasad Sharma, Damodar Prasad Subedi, Vishwa Raj Baral, Dr. Yadavmani Upadhyay, Ravi Kumar Tibrewala, Chief Executive Officer Shekhar Baral, Company Secretary Dr. Srijana Pant and others were present during the meeting with MoF.RBC is the only state-owned general insurance company.

The CEO of the company informed Finance Minister Maha that the financial audit report up to the financial year 2072-73 has been accomplished and the audit work for the rest of the year is in progress. Minister Mahat has assured the team of RBC to facilitate the course of audit report preparation and approval if any issue arises.

The officials of RBC also requested support in the settlement of the land ownership dispute. He also instructed all those present in the discussion to complete the audit work as soon as possible and move forward. CEO Baral also made a presentation about the future work plan of the company.

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