National Insurance

CDSC All Set To Provide New CRN Number For Nepalese Expats

Kathmandu: Nepalese citizens involved in foreign employment can obtain new C-ASBA Registration Number(CNR) number to qualify for the IPO share application quota of foreign employment. The CDS and Clearing House will provide the new CRN number from Wednesday onwards.

The CDS and Clearing House has announced that the interested applicants can submit their application to their concerned banks where they already have registered for C-ASBA.The CRN number is compulsory to submit online application for IPOs. No additional charge is payable to change the CRN number.

The Stock Exchange Board of Nepal(SEBON) has introduced a new provision that makes it mandatory for all the companies who opt to raise fund through IPOs must allocate 10 percent quota for Nepalese workers in foreign employment.

According the new provision, a Nepalese citizen involved in any kind of job or business in foreign land and has sent at least NPR 50,000 in last six months can qualify for the IPOs quota.


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