National Insurance

Auditor General Points Out Mismatch in the Accounts of State-owned Life Insurer

Kathmandu: The Office of the Auditor General(OAG) has pointed a mismatch in the books of the state-owned life insurance company Rastriya Beema Sansthan, which has not been regularly audited for a long time.

In the audit report of the financial year 2077/78 published by the OAG, it is mentioned that there was a huge difference in the credit amount during data migration to the newly installed software of the insurer.

In the 59th annual report of the OAG, it has been mentioned that ”While executing life insurance related software from the financial year 2077/78, the difference in credit seen in the calculation of 8 different schemes was Rs. 3.57 billion. The same amount has been shown in the financial statement mentioning migration difference. The OAG has suggested through the report to make the concerned officials responsible for the erroneous data.

Lacking institutional governance, Santhan has not been able to complete the work of preparing the financial audit report for the past five years and holding the general meeting. Earlier this year, it had got approved of its financial audit report for the financial year 2067-68 to 2072-73.The financial audit report for the financial year 2073-74 to 2077-78 is yet to be prepared by the Sansthan.

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