National Insurance

Nepal Life Hands Over 100 Wheelchairs to TU Teaching Hospital

Kathmandu: Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited(NLIC) has donated wheelchairs to Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. Under its corporate social responsibility, the company has provided 100 wheelchairs to The Teaching Hospital.
The wheelchairs were formally handed over by the Acting Chief Executive Officer of Nepal Life Insurance Sushil Kumar Chaudhary to the Executive Director of the Teaching Hospital Prof. Dr. Dinesh Kafle. On the occasion of wheelchair donation, Acting CEO Chaudhary said that it was a matter of pride for NLIC to spare helping hands the needy patients. Likewise, Praveen Raman Parajuli, Senior DCEO of the company, expressed his commitment to take social services forward with priority.
The regulatory authority, Insurance Board had recently introduced a provision for allocation of at least 1 percent of the net profit for activities under Corporate Social Responsibilities of  Insurance Companies. It is expected that more insurers will come forward for CSR activities in near future.

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