National Insurance

BOD members and CEOs of Insurance Companies Honoured by President

Kathmandu:  President Bidyadevi Bhandari has honored various people of the insurance industry.The honoring event organized on Thursday to confer medals and recognition as declared on last Constitution Day.
At the event organized at Presidents Residents Shital Niwas, Bhandari conferred honorary titles, decorations and medals to the persons who have made special contribution in their fields.

Chief Executive Officer of Shikhar Insurance Company Deep Prakash Pandey and Chief Executive Officer of NLG Insurance Company Sunil Ballabh Pant received the Prabal Janasewa Shree Padak for their contribution in the insurance sector.
Deep Prakash Pandey and Sunil Ballabh Pant are directors of Nepal Reinsurance Company too.

Similarly, Shekhar Golchha, President of Himalaya Reinsurance Company and President of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry has also received the Supraval Janasewa Shri Medal. Sahil Agrawal, a Himalayan Re’s director and businessman, and Motilal Dugad, a major investor in Guransh Life Insurance Company, have received the Supraval Janasewa Shri Medal. Moreover, Satyanarayan Keyal, a major promoter of Sun Nepal Life and General Insurance Company, has also received Supraval Jana Sewa Shri Medal.

Director of IME General Insurance Company Ambika Prasad Poudel has also received the Supraval Janasewa Shri Medal.

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