National Insurance

‘Melamchi Flood Victims’ Claims Denied’

Kathmandu: The victims of the Melamchi Flood have made complaints against general insurance companies for outstanding claim.
The participants of an interaction program held at Melamchi Municipality of Sindupalchowk, made complaints that they have not received the claims against the damage caused by devastating flood of June-July, 2021.
General insurance companies have delayed the damage assessment, citing technical problems.

When insured, the houses were far away from the river. After the flood, those houses are now seen on the banks of the river. Some houses are still flooded. They have not been able to get the claim yet as they have taken insurance while taking loan from the bank.

According to Purna Thapa, assistant director of the Insurance Board(IB), the participants were incensed at the program saying that they had not received any claim.

Peasants have complained that insurance companies refusing to issue insurance policy for agriculture and livestock. They shared that the unavailability of the vaccination services at local market is one of the hindrance for live-stock insurance.

The IB officials participating in the program have expressed their commitment to take necessary initiative for the payment of claims by conducting on-site inspection in the presence of insurance companies.


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