National Insurance

Rastirya Beema Sansthan calls AGM for 3 FY

Kathmandu:Rastriya Bima Sansthan is scheduled to hold its three-year general meeting at the same time today. The company has not held a general meeting for the past 12 years. The company is going to hold a general meeting at the it’s head office Ramshahpath at 2 pm today.

The Insurance Board has approved the audit reports for the fiscal years 2066/67, 2067/68 and 2068/69. The audit could not be carried out for long time as some old accounts were not found and the records of the accounts were destroyed.

Despite repeated instructions from the Office of the Auditor General and the Ministry of Finance to settle accounts and audit, the work could not be completed. This has paved the way for the completion of the audit in the presence of all the three bodies.

The company has completed the documents of FY 2069/70, 2070/71, 2072/73 and 2073/74 internally for audit purpose.

The Insurance Board has also been suggesting to hold the general meeting two or three times in a year to accomplish all the pending AGM. If the work is being done now, the company is planning to hold the four-year general assembly this year and it will not be difficult for the company to audit the accounts after 2074/75 as the documents are completely safe. The current general assembly only plans to pass the audit. The Santhan is in favor of increasing the capital as prescribed by the board after the completion of the audit for the last 12 years.

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