National Insurance

Rastirya Beema Sansthan’s Life Fund Surge by 23pc

Kathmandu:The life insurance fund of Rastriya Bima Sansthan has increased by an additional 24.23 percent.Rs.32.93 billion has been deposited in the life insurance fund of Sansthan. Similarly, the reserve fund has also increased by 19.69 percent. Rs. 342.1 million has been allocated for the reserve fund. The paid up capital is only Rs. 181 million. The corporation has not raised capital as per standard by defying the Insurance Board.

The organization has increased its own premium income by 7.32 percent last year. Net premium income during this period was Rs. 7.58 billion. It was Rs.7.06 billion in the corresponding period of the previous year.

The corporation’s long-term investment and loans alone have increased by 21 percent. Such investment is Rs. 10.93 billion. Loans secured by the insured have increased by 66 percent. The insured has taken such a policy loan of Rs 1.43 billion.

It has earned Rs. 2.37 billion from investments made in various sectors. Despite the increase in revenue, net profit declined by 4.71 percent. The organization has earned a net profit of Rs. 56.2 million during the period.

Claim payments have also increased by 13.67 percent this year. The company has paid a net claim of Rs. 3.19 billion during the period. The commission received by agents has also increased by 42 percent this year. The agents have been paid a commission of Rs. 268.8 million.

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