National Insurance

Lohani will continue to lead Reliable Life for second term

Kathmandu: The Insurance Board has given approval to extend the tenure of the CEO of Reliable Nepal Life Insurance Company. A meeting of the company’s BOD on 16 July 2021 had recommended his name to Insurance Board for approval.

The Insurance Board has paved the way for his reappointment as CEO. Lohani’s first term is nearing to an end on 1 August 2021.

Lohani has been working as the CEO of the company since its inception.  Lohani, a civil engineer, has a bachelor’s degree in management.Prior to joining Reliance  Insurance, he had spent more than a decade in banks and financial institutions. With a background in civil engineering, he had enough experience in civil engineering consultancy too. His exposure in microfinance helped him to prove that there’s enough space for micro insurance. Today, Reliable Nepal Life Insurance is the market leader for microinsurance policies sales.

Reliable Nepal is all prepared to issue IPO at premium price and awaiting for the consent from Insurance Board.

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