National Insurance

7.8 million policies sold by Life Insurers

Kathmandu.:As of mid-June of FY 2077/78, life insurance companies have issued about 7.8 million insurance policies. According to the data provided by Beema Samiti, 19 life insurance companies have issued 77 lakh 80 thousand 47 insurance policies in the first 11 months of the current fiscal year and managed to earn a total premium of Rs 102.34 billion.

According to Samiti, the companies have sold 94,470 more insurance policies as compared to the month of Baisakh(mid April to mid May).

According to the data compiled by the regulatory authority, most of the insurance policies have been issued by Reliable Nepal Life till mid-June. The company has issued 1,533,122 insurance policies during the period. The company has issued 113,148 insurance policies in Jestha (mid May to mid June) alone.

Nepal Life Insurance Company is in the second place. The company has issued 1,340,117 insurance policies during this period, while the company has issued 2,421 insurance policies in Jestha alone.
The third is Met Life Insurance Company. The company has issued 1.17 million 879 insurance policies till mid-June, while the company has issued 397,383 insurance policies in Jestha alone.

Rastriya Beema Sansthan has issued 739,396 insurance policies during the period. But it has been able to sale only 84 policies in Jestha alone.

Similarly LIC Nepal has issued 720,054 insurance policies and 1,799 insurance policies in Jestha alone. National Life has issued 472,544 insurance policies while the company has issued 800 insurance policies in Jestha 2078.

Surya Life has issued 338,881 insurance policies while the company has issued 5,897 insurance policies in last month alone. Asian Life has issued 323,877 insurance policies till mid-June, while the company has issued 1433 insurance policies in Jestha alone.

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