National Insurance

Dhital becomes the first life insurance agent to summit Mt. Everest

Kathmandu. Mr. Yuvraj Dhital, the business agency of Nepal Life Insurance has successfully climbed the Mount Everest. The business coordinator Mr. Dhital has set the record among agents to be the first insurance agent to summit Mt. Everest.

He hoisted the flag on the summit. According to the press release issued by Nepal Life Insurance, Mr. Dhital reached the highest peak of Mt. Everest at 7.45 am on Monday.

Dhital is a resident of Rukum West Bafikot and also working in the civil service. He has been working in the Department of Survey.

Life Insurance agents have provided financial support to Mr. Dhital, a member of a lower-income family, to climb Mt. Everest. Along with the agent, Nepal Life has also pledged financial support to Dhital.

Previously, the flag of Mahalaxmi Life Insurance was hoisted at the Mt. Everest summit for the first time from the life insurance industry.

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